Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Swimming For Growing Taller! 10 Simple Steps!

Happy New Year To You! I Hope 2012 Brings You Great Ambition to Achieve Your Height Goals This Year! And I am Going to Help You to Do it!

As I Am sure You have Probably Read Time and Time again.  People Often ask How Swimming Can Help you to Grow Taller and Increase Height?

When You Immerse Your body In Water it becomes Twice as Light.  It also takes a lot of pressure off your body’s joints and Muscles.

People who are Weak or recovering from injuries often take up swimming to compensate for lack of other exercise from other areas.  It puts less stress on the body and as you are half your weight in water swimming is low resistance.

As There is half the normal Stress on your body, this allows your spine to decompress and have a more free range of movement…along with all the other Muscles that are in the Body.

We have Found also that if You Combine Swimming with Stretching Exercises at the same time then this has a Fantastic effect of your Height Gains!

The Combination of Both Really Helps you to Not Only Stretch Further But Also a lot easier.  By doing this your Body Becomes accustomed with being Taller as You begin to Push your Suppleness Boundaries…(Correct Diet and Sleeping is also Required amongst other Factors)


If You do have access to a Swimming Pool then Why Not Try this Short Routine Everyday and See how you get on…it’s not the Be all and end all in Height gain but if you are just starting out on your Height Journey then it Will Definitely make a difference to your Height over a specific amount of time (30-60 days)

So anyways

1) Try Doing 10 Lengths of Your Pool (any Stoke at a Comfortable speed)
2) Then get out and Perform the “Mountain Stretch” and Holding the Stretch for 30 seconds

3) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths
4) Then get out and Perform the “Touch Toes Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds

5) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths
6) Then get out and Perform the “Cobra Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds

7) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths
8) Then get out and Perform the “Spinal Forward Bend Stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds

9) Then Proceed to do another 10 Lengths
10) Then Finally get out and Perform the “Fish stretch” and Hold the Stretch for 30 seconds

Try it Out and Comment on this Post With your Results.

Happy Swimming!


  1. I am truly stunned by the content granted. It is Encouraging but if grouping move this in the far mode.
    Kelvin Miano

  2. That's what i was looking for. I will definitely share it with others.

    GED Online

  3. Top answer: Swimming itself doesn't help you grow taller ... it's just a great exercise which can be coupled with eating right and getting enough sleep that help you. hälsporre
